Savor story

The Beginning

Shortly before graduating from college, Jimmy Watson opened a restaurant in Provo, Utah. Despite creating a fan-favorite for locals, it was hard to get new customers in his doors. He became intimately aware of the struggles restaurant owners face every day.

Local Restaurants Need Help

Every year, local restaurants across the US have to close their doors because not enough people know how good their food is. 


A few years after the big opening day, Jimmy found the solution to solve this problem – Savor. It quickly became a massive success and a fan favorite among college students.

Times are Tight

At the same time, people everywhere are low on cash and trying to save money. They need an affordable way to find fun experiences and good food. And that’s where Savor comes in. 

The ultimate win-win

Savor is the ultimate win-win for everyone. Restaurants get new customers and people get a deal on great food.